Detailed View of Our Services

  • After consultation, we decide on the vehicle you want me to pursue

  • Go over various methods to secure the best deal for my client

  • Help client with credit approval prior to contacting dealership

  • Get deal approved by dealership of my choosing (or client’s preferred dealership)

  • Show up to dealership for a quick test drive, final paperwork, and delivery/pickup

  • Available in all 50 states

  • Everything included in the Core Service

  • Trade-In Assistance (if applicable)

  • Go to dealership with client

  • Sit with client during paperwork process

  • Assistance during delivery/pickup

  • Available within 40 mile radius

Commercial & Quantity


Enhanced+ Service

Discussed at Consultation

  • Everything included in the Core or Enhanced Service (within 40 mile radius)

  • Assistance for multi-car & multi-buyer deals


Commercial Service

Discussed at Consultation

  • Everything included Core, Enhanced (within 40 mile radius), or Enhanced+ Service

  • Only for businesses