Short Hiatus is Over

Hello there Everyone,

For the past few weeks, I’ve been quiet on social media sites and for good reason. When I started up this business, I wanted to jump right into it. Sadly for me, Uncle Sam had a few hoops I needed to go through before I could really get down to business. Luckily, however, those hoops are no longer an issue. Everything will resume to the natural course of business. This includes me posting on social sites 2-4 times a week for various reason (e.g. current good or bad lease offers, incentives for financing on certain models, etc.), as well as testimonials. At some point, I’ll start posting videos where I go over information on certain brands, models, and car buying or leasing in general. I hope to hear back from whomever is interested in these posts/videos as well as the services I provide to show you how I utilize my methods to obtaining the very best deal for you yourself. Thank you for taking the time to read this.



Thanksgiving and Black Friday


The Road Ahead