Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Hello Friends, Family, and Future Clients,

I hope today shall be one for all to enjoy with their loved ones so that they may enjoy good food and good company. After the turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie are put away and some rest has been had, many people will be going out for Black Friday shopping. Some may go to malls, boutiques, or even car dealerships to try and cash in on “Black Friday savings.” From my experience working at a car dealership, let me just say, don’t fall for the initial drumming of the “great savings” ads. The whole Black Friday Sales event at any store is like any other sales event; one meant to get you in the door and to spend money you may otherwise have not. When it comes to car dealerships, they may do a giveaway to get you to come in. Perhaps a free TV for the first 10 vehicles sold. Or maybe they’ll have “discounted” all the inventory just for the day (and then extend it to the weekend). Now granted, some dealerships may automatically discount some of their inventory $500 - $1,000 when you go for numbers and tell you as much. “You’re getting a great deal today!” No, you’re getting an above invoice deal. If you want a truly great deal, don’t come in on Black Friday or “Black Friday on Saturday” or whatever it may be that they call the extended event. Come in on the last day of the month when they need to reach their sales number. More times than not, they’ll whatever you want just to get the sale.

I hope this has been an informative read for you. Every week or every other week (I am undecided at the moment) I will be posting long form guides and tips to approaching a dealership for the car buying process. Hopefully this helps others who otherwise can’t use my services. And I’d appreciate anyone reading this, to share it with their friends and family as well. Thank you for taking the time to read this.



Short Hiatus is Over